By Michael Swanwick
First Published: 1987
Rating: Classic.
“Bioengineering, wetware, and the riddle of personality…”

Among the vanguard of today’s boldest writers, Michael Swanwick presents his world of plug-in personas, colonized asteroids, and a daring a high-tech criminal seeking refuge on Earth’s orbiting settlements–where all human evils blossom in the vacuum of space.

Rebel Elizabeth Mudlark is a recorded personality owned by corporate giant Deutsche Nakasone. When Rebel’s personality is uploaded to persona tester Eucrasia Walsh and burned into her brain, Rebel escapes the corporation and takes off across an exotically transformed solar system, hijacking Eucrasia’s body and becoming the most wanted fugitive in existence.

A fast-paced technological thriller, Vacuum Flowers allows the reader to consider the implications of bioengineering while providing an entertaining and dynamic story.

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