By Michael McQuay
First Published: 1981
In 1997, Manhattan has been transformed in the New York Maximum Security Penitentiary, where criminals are sent in life sentence. When the Air Force One crashes in Manhattan with the president of the USA that is traveling to a summit with other leaders, the prison dean Hauk proposes a deal to the convicted one-eyed bank robber Snake Plissken. If he rescues the president and his tape in less than 23 hours, he would be granted pardon. In order to guarantee full commitment of Snake Plissken, Hauk lures him and injects a lethal capsule in his blood that will dissolve in the scheduled time. Snake Plissken uses a small plane to land one the roof of the World Trade Center. Soon he finds that the tracking device was removed from the president. When he meets the taxi driver Cabbie, he learns that the warlord The Duke has captured the president. Now Snake Plissken has to team-up with his former partner Brain, who has double-crossed him in the past, and his squeeze Maggie to rescue the president and save his own life.