Members: David Russo, Luke Laurila.
Genre: Ambient, Drone.
Avoid reality with this brand new, aesthetically pleasing alternative by guiding cool guy Norman Kawasaki-Gucci and his gender non-binary, otherkin journalist friend Frankie Franks. Also along for the ride is Scraps, his robot dog!  By exploiting the same reiterative game mechanics and cliched story for the millionth time in your short, precious lifespan!
⁍ What you choose to believe and not to believe greatly affects your in game experience
⁍ Choose the right depression medication
⁍ Avoid potentially racist and corrupt kidnappers armed with shiny badges, large guns, ambiguous legislation and fancy uniforms
⁍ Meander through Las Angeles, a toxic, heavily polluted shithole infested with stupid Americans
⁍ Join rampaging Antifa and/or Proud Boy gangs to help build autonomous zones in Las Angeles City – or go solo, laugh and watch from the side-lines on YouTube streams
⁍ Choose whether or not to get vaccinated and attain your new CitizenPass ID, with potentially random (or not so random…) side effects
⁍ Use your smartphone dialogue to make pacts with strong friends but be wary of your choices… the admins are watching.
⁍ Select from a range of overpriced DLC add-ons, meticulously designed to appeal to base tribal instincts and drain you of your money, time and vitality
⁍ Finally, once you have done all this make the ultimate decision… is this really the game you want to play?
Cyberpunk Is Real
Cyberpunk Is Here
Cyberpunk Is Now
Cyberpunk 2020

Cyberpunk 2020 (2020)
The Ether Variations (2020)


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