By Jason Werbeloff
First Published: 2019
A hundred thousand clones.
In one room.
On a journey to the stars…

Crushing dread wakes Aven each morning. Will today be the day? Will he be dragged to phase four, frog marched to the Pulper, and blended so his body can be used to create another?

Is today Aven’s last?

Each day is the same torture. Until They arrive… and journey with Aven to worlds bursting with wonders he could never have imagined.

If you enjoyed Daniel, Margaret, and Fingers, you’ll love Activating Aven, the eighth book in The Bubble series. You’re about to join Aven on a mind-bending quest 600 years into the future. A universe filled with characters you’ll recognize, cloned thousands of times, into a gobsmacking dystopia.