By Andy Futuro
First Published: 2016
Well, that could’ve gone better. Saru had found the blue-eyed girl alright, but she’d blown up half of Philadelphia in the process. Whoops. Now she was a fugitive, robbed of her implants, relying on her “wits,” hunted by aliens, Gods, and the monstrous spawn of fornicating universes. It was a crap deal, but it wasn’t all bad. She’d stolen a plane, a luxury model with a fully stocked minibar. And she had company, a rogue Gaesporan named John. And there was something strangely liberating about having screwed up so badly you couldn’t really do worse.

Cloud Country is A Dark Sci-Fi Fantasy Thriller with aliens, monsters, extra-dimensional death Gods and a hardboiled female protagonist. It explores the absurdity of human existence through grotesque satire.

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