By Jason Werbeloff
First Published: 2016
Defragmenting Daniel is a three novel series that forms the first three books in Werbeloff’s The Bubble series.

Defragmenting Daniel: The Organ Scrubber
Rating: Good.
In a world where orphans are discarded…
One young man must take up the fight.

The Gutter Orphanage, 2064.
As a child, Daniel had no choice but to trade his body parts for room and board. But even that is not enough. By day he must labor as an “Organ Scrubber” who cleans “used” organs before they are shipped off for transplanting. Now more synthetic than human, he’s barely survived to see his 18th birthday.

Daniel’s body is failing.

The gears in his knee grind, his synthetic cornea weeps, and his 3D-printed lungs spasm in winter. Daniel can’t afford new synthetics. He needs the organs he was born with. But their new owners won’t return them.

Not without a fight.

Defragmenting Daniel: The Face in a Jar
Daniel has risen up against the Bubble.
Now the Bubble fights back…

Daniel Mendez is steadily gather up his original organs from the wealthy, priveleged Bubble recipients. However, the private investigator, Kage Jackson, contracted by the Bubble PD to track down the “Organ Thief” is steadily figuring everything out and closing in. Daniel is helped and hindered in his quest to become whole by Margaret, the robot that wants to become human and needs just a few parts herself to achieve her goal – Project Alpha. Her assistance comes at a price: Daniel must collect her desired parts as well as his own.

Daniel must tread carefully, or risk losing more than just his body.

Can Daniel find the rest of his missing pieces, and become whole again?

The Face in the Jar builds upon the world created in The Organ Scrubber and solidifies the totally hedonistic realm that is life in the Bubble. It reinforces the achingly vast difference between Bubble residents and those existing in The Gutter.

Defragmenting Daniel: The Boy Without a Heart
Daniel is running out of time…

Kage is hot on his trail, on the cusp of catching the Organ Thief.

Meanwhile, cracks form in Daniel’s fragile alliance with Margaret, as he struggles to contain the android’s insatiable bloodlust. To be truly whole again, Daniel must become more than the sum of his parts. But can he avoid falling to pieces in the process?

As with the first two novels, the The Boy Without a Heart is fast paced, dark, and full to the brim with gory details. As Daniels finds solution to his problems his story speeds into a delightfully disturbing conclusion.

The Boy Without A Heart is the final novel in the Defragmenting Daniel trilogy and the third installment in The Bubble Series. The series continues with Manufacturing Margaret.

4 thoughts on “Defragmenting Daniel (The Bubble Series: 1-3)”

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